

A Day for a Year

H. Grattan Guinness

The Approaching End of the Age: A Day for a Year by H. Grattan Guinness

Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.

Extract from The Approaching End of the Age, 1886 | 44 pages, reprint

This extract explains the understanding that a day in the symbolic prophecies of Daniel and Revelation represents a year. It also contains a chapter concerning the published discoveries of the astronomer M. de Cheseaux in 1754. These demonstrated that the 1260 and 2300 day periods in Daniel (and the 1040 day difference between them), when viewed as years, form soli-lunar cycles—a confirmation from astronomy that the days in the symbolic prophecies are themselves symbols, representing years.

For the full book see The Approaching End of the Age


Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.
See all the booklets
See all the books

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