

Romanism and the Reformation

H. Grattan Guinness

Romanism and the Reformation by H. Grattan Guinness

Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.

Second Edition, 1891 | 244 pages

Romanism and the Reformation is a series of eight lectures. It begins by covering the three foreviews of Romanism: those recorded by Daniel, Paul, and John. It then describes how these prophecies were interpreted and used before, during, and after the Reformation. And finally, it examines the prophecies on the Reformation itself. It is a stirring book.


Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.

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