

The Reformation

E.P. Cachemaille

The Visions of Daniel and of the Revelation Explained: The Reformation by E.P. Cachemaille

Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.

Extract from The Visions of Daniel and of the Revelation Explained | c.1918 | 98 pages, reprint

For 500 years many have understood the Reformation and the re-publishing and printing of the Bible to be the fulfilment of the visions of Revelation 10 and 11. This extract explains the events of the time in relation to those visions.


Just so you know …

We think these books contain good general explanations of Bible prophecy. That doesn’t mean we agree with them on every point, or agree with their authors on every subject.
See all the booklets
See all the books

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